Video Tutorials

How to paint: Mortarion, Daemon Primarch of Nurgle

Learn to paint Mortarion, the formidable Daemon Primarch of Nurgle, with our step-by-step tutorial. Dive into the gruesome beauty of his corrupted form and bring this iconic Warhammer 40K character to life on your tabletop battlefield.

For a fleshy-humanoid color scheme use this guide.

Step 1: Prime the Model

Begin by priming the model with a smooth, even coat of Chaos Black Spray. This prepares the surface for paint adhesion and sets the foundation for subsequent layers.

Step 2: Armor and Cloth

Using a medium brush, carefully paint Mortarion’s armor with Dawnstone. Ensure complete coverage, paying attention to all the intricate details. For the cloth areas, employ Rakarth Flesh, applying it with precision to capture the desired texture and tone.

Step 3: Shade the Model

Apply Agrax Earthshade selectively over the armor and cloth areas, focusing on recesses and crevices. This shading technique adds depth and definition to the model, enhancing its realism.

Step 4: Highlight the Armor

With a fine brush, drybrush Pallid Wych Flesh onto the raised areas of the armor. This technique highlights the edges, creating a striking contrast and accentuating the three-dimensional quality of the model.

Step 5: Add Detail to the Face

Using a mix of White scar and a touch of Rakarth Flesh, paint Mortarion’s face, emphasizing the eyes, mouth, and other facial features. Exercise precision and attention to detail to capture the character’s menacing visage.

Step 6: Nurgle’s Rot

Channel the essence of Nurgle by applying Death Guard Green to areas representing decay, corruption, or organic matter. Focus on recesses, wounds, and other appropriate locations to achieve a realistic and grimy appearance.

Step 7: Metallic Parts

Utilize Leadbelcher to paint any metallic areas, such as weapons, chains, or armor embellishments. Ensure smooth and even coverage, paying attention to the smallest details. Consider using additional metallic shades to highlight specific areas for added depth.

Step 8: Shadows and Depth

Intensify the shadows and add depth to the model by selectively applying Druchii Violet to recessed areas, crevices, and any sections requiring extra definition. Use a thin brush and apply the shade with controlled precision.

Step 9: Bloodstains and Wounds

For realistic bloodstains or fresh wounds, carefully apply Carroburg Crimson to appropriate areas, such as open wounds, gashes, or weapon edges. Exercise restraint to achieve a natural and believable effect.

Step 10: Base Coat for Scenic Base

Paint the base with a solid layer of Dryad Bark, ensuring complete coverage. This provides a realistic ground texture for the subsequent steps of scenic base painting.

Step 11: Highlight the Scenic Base

Using Ulthuan Grey, drybrush the base to add texture and highlight raised areas. This technique creates depth, enhances realism, and complements Mortarion’s imposing presence.

Step 12: Final Details

Capture attention to the model’s smaller elements by painting selected details or decorative elements, such as symbols, scrolls, or ornaments, with Screamer Pink. Exercise precision and patience to achieve crisp, clean lines.

Step 13: Additional Highlights

With a fine brush, paint Mechanicus Standard Grey on selected edges to create further highlights and definition. This technique adds depth to the model and enhances its overall visual impact.

Step 14: Weathering and Finishing Touches

To achieve a weathered and worn appearance on the scenic base, apply drybrushing techniques using Ushabti Bone and Karak Stone. This simulates natural wear and tear, adding a final touch of realism.

Shortlist of the 16 paints used:

  1. Chaos Black Spray
  2. Dawnstone
  3. Rakarth Flesh
  4. Agrax Earthshade
  5. Pallid Wych Flesh
  6. White scar
  7. Death Guard Green
  8. Leadbelcher
  9. Druchii Violet
  10. Carroburg Crimson
  11. Dryad Bark
  12. Ulthuan Grey
  13. Screamer Pink
  14. Mechanicus Standard Grey
  15. Ushabti Bone
  16. Karak Stone

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