Citadel Colour

Dryad Bark

Dryad Bark is a Base Paint from Citadel Colour

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Citadel Colours' Dryad Bark is a dark-brown color that is excellent for miniature painting. It's an acrylic paint with a matte finish that works well as a base coat or foundation for your miniature.
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Dryad Bark Paint Review

Citadel Colours’ Dryad Bark is a dark-brown color that is excellent for miniature painting. It’s an acrylic paint with a matte finish that works well as a base coat or foundation for your miniature.

This paint is ideal for novice miniature painters since it is simple to apply and may be used as a foundation coat for a variety of colours. 

Dryad Bark paint dries fast and smoothly when applied with a brush, making it an ideal choice for adding texture and depth to your models. 

What armies can you paint with Dryad Bark?

  • The Orks – The Orks are a race of violent, green-skinned aliens who are renowned for their love of fighting and destruction. They field a variety of crude but effective machinery, including guns, tanks, and other vehicles, as well as hordes of infantry known as boyz. Dryad Bark paint would be well-suited to the Orks, as it would give their armor and machinery a rough, battered look that captures their love of violence and destruction.
  • The Necrons – The Necrons are a race of ancient, undead robots who have awoken from a long slumber to reclaim their place as the rulers of the galaxy. They are equipped with advanced machinery and armor made of a mysterious, metallic substance called “living metal.” Dryad Bark paint would be a great choice for painting the Necrons, as it would give their armor and machinery a cold, metallic appearance that fits their robotic nature. 

Dryad Bark Colour Schemes & Combinations

To create a cohesive and visually striking colour scheme when painting with Dryad Bark, it can be helpful to choose colours that will complement the rough, weathered look of the paint. To do this, we can use colour theory to guide our selection. One option is to choose complementary colours, which are colours that are opposite each other on the colour wheel. For example, purple and yellow are complementary colours, as are blue and orange. This can create a bold, eye-catching contrast that really makes the Dryad Bark stand out.

Alternatively, we could choose split-complementary colours, which are colours that are adjacent to the complementary colour on the colour wheel. For example, blue, purple, and orange are split-complementary colours. This can create a more harmonious, balanced look while still providing some contrast.

Another option is to choose analogous colours, which are colours that are next to each other on the colour wheel. For example, blue, purple, and pink are analogous colours. This can create a more cohesive, unified look that can be particularly effective when used to highlight or add depth to the Dryad Bark.

Finally, we could consider adding a metallic colour such as gold to the mix. Gold is a bright, eye-catching colour that can add a sense of richness and luxury to the overall colour scheme. When used judiciously, it can help to balance out the rough, weathered look of the Dryad Bark and add some visual interest.

With these options in mind, some purple, blue, and gold Citadel Colour paints that could be used with Dryad Bark include:

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