Citadel Colour

Cadian Fleshtone

Cadian Fleshtone Layer Paint Citadel Colour

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Cadian Fleshtone paint by Citadel Colour is a high-quality acrylic paint intended for miniature painting. It is perfect for painting human figures with a more militaristic or gritty aesthetic due to its olive-toned, realistic flesh tone.
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Where to buy Cadian Fleshtone

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Cadian Fleshtone Paint Review

The Cadian Fleshtone paint from Citadel Colour is an acrylic paint that is perfect for use as a base coat when painting miniatures. This paint is formulated to provide a smooth, matt finish that is perfect for creating a foundation for other colors, creating a natural-looking flesh tone. The pigments used in this paint are carefully selected to provide excellent coverage, making it easy for beginner miniature painters to use. With its creamy consistency, it glides effortlessly on miniatures, providing a perfect base for the artist’s imagination to run wild, creating realistic and natural-looking figures. The Cadian Fleshtone paint is specifically designed to paint the Cadians, a human Imperial Guard regiment in the Warhammer 40k universe.

What armies to paint with Cadian Fleshtone

  • Imperial Guard (Cadian) – The Imperial Guard, also known as the Cadian Shock Troops, are a human Imperial Guard regiment in the Warhammer 40k universe and the Cadian Fleshtone paint is perfect for painting their flesh. The natural-looking flesh tone created by this paint will help to bring out the details and characteristics of these soldiers, making them look more realistic and lifelike.
  • Space Marines – The Space Marines are a faction of the Warhammer 40k universe that are genetically modified superhuman soldiers. The Cadian Fleshtone paint can be used to paint the flesh of these soldiers, as well as to create a variety of different skin tones, making it a versatile paint that can be used to paint a variety of different factions.
  • Death Guard – The Death Guard are a faction of Chaos Space Marines in the Warhammer 40k universe. The Cadian Fleshtone paint can be used to paint the flesh of these soldiers, as well as to create a range of skin tones, from the standard human-like flesh to the more corrupted flesh.

Since Cadian Fleshtone paint was created to portray human flesh, it was decided to list these particular armies because they are all human factions or have human features in the Warhammer 40k universe. These armies are some of the most widely utilized by both players and painters in the Warhammer 40k universe. The Cadian Fleshtone paint is a versatile paint that may be used to paint a variety of various factions because it can be used to create a range of skin tones.

Cadian Fleshtone Colour Schemes & Combinations

Using the fundamentals of color theory, which states that complementary and analogous colors should be utilized to produce a sense of balance and contrast, the choice to include these particular paints was made.

  • White Scar – White Scar is a pure white paint that can be used to create highlights and add a sense of depth to the Cadian Fleshtone paint. White is a neutral color that will create a strong contrast with the warm flesh tone, making the miniatures look more realistic.
  • Xereus Purple – Xereus Purple is a deep, rich purple paint that can be used to create shadows and add a sense of depth to the Cadian Fleshtone paint. Purple is a cool color that will create a contrast with the warm flesh tone, creating a sense of balance.
  • Brass Scorpion – Brass Scorpion is a metallic paint that has a bronze finish. This can be used to paint the armor, weapons and other metallic elements of the Imperial Guard Miniatures, adding a sense of luxury and richness. The bronze color will complement the flesh color and provide a balance between the two hues.

It is commonly recognized that white, purple, and bronze complement flesh tones and can be utilized to produce a range of diverse effects, including highlights and shadows. Together, these hues will improve the general appearance of the miniatures that have been painted with Cadian Fleshtone. 

While the analogous and complementary colors will make the miniatures stand out, the neutral color will offer reality and depth. The metallic paint will give the piece more depth and authenticity.

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