Esteemed leaders of the maniples and cohorts within the Skitarii soldiery. These battle-hardened veterans, adorned with enhanced augmentations earned through countless crusades, hold a privileged position among their ranks. Acting as intermediaries between the Skitarii formations and their priestly overseers, Marshals utilize sacred uplinks to refine their warriors’ doctrines, striving for unparalleled perfection in service to the Omnissiah.
When searching for a commanding figure to lead your Skitarii maniple, the Marshal emerges as the ideal choice. Not only does this senior officer embody the thematic essence of the Skitarii forces, but their presence on the battlefield also enhances the effectiveness and coordination of nearby units under their expert command. The strategic guidance and leadership of a Marshal can tip the scales of victory in your favor, ensuring the utmost efficiency and precision in your Skitarii army’s operations.
Skitarii Marshal Datasheets

What’s in the Skitarii Marshal box
- x9 plastic components that make 1x Skitarii Marshal
- x1 Citadel 32mm Round Base
How to paint the Skitarii Marshal set
- Step 1: Prime the Miniature
Apply a thin and even coat of Chaos Black spray primer to the Skitarii Marshal. This will create a solid base for the paint to adhere to. - Step 2: Base Colors
Begin by applying the base colors to the miniature. Use Leadbelcher for the metallic areas and Wazdakka Red for the fabric parts. Apply thin layers of paint, allowing each layer to dry before moving on to the next. - Step 3: Details and Highlights
Add details to the Skitarii Marshal using different colors. Use Balthasar Gold for any ornate parts and Skrag Brown for leather accessories. For additional highlights, use Stormhost Silver on the metallic areas and Wazdakka Red on the fabric parts. - Step 4: Washes
Apply washes to add depth and shading to the miniature. Use Nuln Oil for the metallic areas and Agrax Earthshade for the fabric parts. Apply the washes carefully, allowing them to flow into the recesses to create shadows and definition. - Step 5: Fine Details
Focus on the finer details of the Skitarii Marshal. Use Mephiston Red for any lenses or optics, and White Scar for painting symbols or inscriptions. Take your time and use a fine brush for precision. - Step 7: Base and Finish
Paint the base of the miniature using Stirland Mud for texture. Once the paint is dry, you can add grass, rocks, or other scenic elements to enhance the base. Finally, apply a coat of Munitorum Varnish to protect your paint job and give the miniature a professional finish.