Crafted from a monumental multipart plastic kit, the Shadowsword stands as a colossal titan of the battlefield. It’s a thundering Astra Militarum tank armed to the teeth, ready to absorb punishment that could obliterate an entire small army. If you seek the cornerstone around which to build an unstoppable armored force, a super-heavy tank like the Shadowsword is an excellent choice. It has the power to shock your foes and withstand an astonishing barrage of enemy fire, safeguarding the rest of your army.
The Shadowsword’s arsenal is nothing short of awe-inspiring. It boasts a mighty volcano cannon mounted on the turret, flanked by two formidable lascannons on side turrets. Up front, you’ll find twin heavy bolters nestled in a forward hull turret, and it doesn’t end there. The sponson mounts house two twin heavy flamers, but if you’re craving even more firepower, you can switch them out for another pair of twin heavy bolters. And if that’s not enough, you have the option to add extra sponsons, equipped with additional lascannons and your choice of twin heavy bolters or twin heavy flamers. The Shadowsword’s capacity for destruction is truly staggering.
But it’s not all about sheer firepower; this kit also offers a range of cosmetic options. You can customize your Shadowsword with extra stowage, additional armor plating for the treads, tow hooks, fuel canisters, and various choices for gunners and tank commanders in the hatches. Speaking of commanders, you can even build the tank commander on foot, armed with a bolt pistol or laspistol in one hand, and the choice of a power sword or a pointing hand in the other. And don’t forget the bonus – you’ll have plenty of spare plastic components left over to enhance your bits box. The Shadowsword is more than just a war machine; it’s a versatile canvas for your creative vision on the battlefield.
This massive kit can alternatively build a variety of other super-heavy tanks:
- Baneblade – armed with a baneblade cannon for maximum versatility
- Banesword – armed with a quake cannon to punish vehicles and fortifications at extreme range
- Doomhammer – armed with a titan-slaying magma cannon and troop-carrying capacity
- Stormsword – armed with a bunker-busting stormsword siege cannon
- Banehammer – armed with a tremor cannon to slow down an aggressive opponent
- Stormlord – armed with a vulcan mega-bolter and large troop-carrying capacity
- Hellhammer – armed with a hellhammer cannon for close-quarters warfare
Shadowsword Datasheets

What’s in the Shadowsword box
- x381 plastic components, making it a massive model with lots of detail and parts to work with.
- x1 transfer sheet containing 253 transfers for the Baneblade, allowing you to add detailed markings and heraldry to your model.
How to paint the Shadowsword Set
- Step 1: Priming
Let’s kick off your painting journey by applying a solid base coat. Start by priming your Shadowsword with Chaos Black spray primer. This step is crucial to ensure that your paint adheres properly to the model. Make sure to prime the entire model evenly, and allow it to dry thoroughly before moving on. - Step 2: Base Coat and Camouflage Pattern
Now, it’s time to give your Shadowsword its distinctive look. Begin by painting the armor with Caliban Green. This will serve as the base color for your tanks camouflage pattern. Be thorough in your application, ensuring smooth coverage.
To create the camouflage pattern, use Zandri Dust on specific areas of the armor. Think about where you want the camouflage to appear, and apply the Zandri Dust in irregular shapes or stripes. This will add a unique touch to your Knight’s appearance. - Step 3: Shading
To add depth and dimension to the armor, apply Agrax Earthshade as a shade. Focus on the recesses and areas where shadows naturally occur. This shade will bring out the details and create a weathered effect. Allow it to dry completely before proceeding. - Step 4: Layering
Now, it’s time to enhance the colors. For the Caliban Green parts, layer them with Straken Green. Focus on raised areas and edges to create highlights that make the armor pop. For the Zandri Dust sections, layer them with Ushabti Bone to achieve the same effect. - Step 5: Metallic Components
Tanks have various metallic components, such as barrels, antennas, and tracks. These parts should be painted with Leadbelcher to establish the metallic base. Ensure that your application is even and covers all the intended areas.
To make the metallic components shine, layer them with Stormhost Silver. Concentrate on the edges and raised details for a polished finish that adds realism to these parts. - Step 6: Adding Details
Now, let your creativity shine by adding details that make your model unique. For example, you can use Stirland Mud to simulate mud on the tracks, adding a touch of realism to the model. Alternatively, you can paint splashes of blood on the armor using Blood for the Blood God for a more battle-worn appearance. - Step 7: Varnishing
To protect your beautifully painted Shadowsword and give it a professional finish, apply a layer of Munitorum varnish. This step ensures the longevity and durability of your paintwork while preserving the details and textures on the model.