The Ratlings are a unique group of abhuman operatives, often spurned by their Astra Militarum comrades but highly valued for their incredible skills as sharpshooters. These small but nimble snipers are experts at hiding in the shadows, using their agility to stay one step ahead of their enemies and line up devastating shots.
While often underestimated due to their size and mischievous behavior, their accuracy with sniper rifles makes them a deadly presence on the battlefield.

Armed with a variety of specialized equipment, the Ratlings excel in long-range warfare. From deadly sniper rifles to heavy tankstopper weapons and explosives carried by the Bomber operative, they bring a versatile arsenal to any battle.
Despite their frailty, they can rely on their agility and tactical repositioning abilities to stay out of danger while delivering precision strikes. Their faithful Battlemutt companion also plays a crucial role, warning them of approaching threats and keeping them alert in battle.
The Kill Team: Ratlings kit offers a range of customization options, allowing players to build specialized operatives like the Bomber or Tankstopper, or create a team of elite Ratling Snipers.
Players looking for a sneaky, agile kill team with deadly accuracy will find the Ratlings an excellent addition to their forces, with room to expand into larger Astra Militarum armies.
Kill Team: Ratlings Box Contents
- x10 Ratling operatives
- x1 Battlemutt
to be added more