The Genestealer Cults have introduced a powerful new mutation: the Benefictus. Through careful selection of psi-capable gene-stock, the Broodminds have cultivated this high-minded vector for their inhuman influence.
The Benefictus features a grossly swollen brain, enabling it to channel the dispersed psychic energies of the Broodmind into beams of raw telekinetic force, rivaling the destructive power of a lascannon. The shockwaves from these impacts carry echoes of the Broodmind’s alien telepathy, causing nearby enemies to recoil in psychic horror and hallucination.

This new model for Warhammer 40k is a formidable addition to any Genestealer Cults army, bringing devastating psychic power to the battlefield. Available in the upcoming months, first in the Biosantic Broodsurge Battleforce box, then as a stand-alone release.