The New Thousand Sons Detachments – Review of Rules, Stratagems and Enhancements

The new Thousand Sons detachment rules, stratagems, and enhancements offer players a fresh way to experience the psyker-driven power of Tzeentch’s chosen. With the 10th Edition Codex on the horizon, these new rules give a unique gameplay experience, featuring powerful psychic manipulations and magical forces that allow for strategic depth and creativity on the battlefield.
Thousand Sons Detachments Guide
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As we eagerly await the 10th Edition Thousand Sons Codex, the Grotmas special Hexwarp Thrallband detachment offers an exciting opportunity to explore new gameplay mechanics. This detachment introduces a rich set of rules and abilities that reflect the Thousand Sons’ mastery over the Warp and Tzeentch’s arcane power.

Players will find themselves with access to potent new stratagems, enhancements, and a unique thematic twist, emphasizing psychic manipulation, the Flow of Magic, and the arrival of reinforcements through warp rifts.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your psychic weapons’ strength or deploy your Rubric Marines and Scarab Occult Terminators with newfound versatility, the Hexwarp Thrallband brings a fresh, strategic depth to the table. Though it’s a special detachment created for the Grotmas season, it’s here to stay, providing a fun and powerful way to play with the Thousand Sons while awaiting the next major release.

Hexwarp Thrallband

The Hexwarp Thrallband Detachment is a special release for this year’s Grotmas season, capturing the festive spirit in true Thousand Sons fashion with arcane power and relentless Warp-fueled dominance. Though introduced during the holiday, this detachment offers unique gameplay mechanics and a flavorful twist on the Thousand Sons’ playstyle, making it a standout addition to any Warhammer collection.

As a Hexwarp Thrallband commander, you harness overwhelming Warp energy to overwhelm your enemies. The detachment focuses on breaking the veil between reality and the Immaterium, flooding the battlefield with mutagenic arcane power.

Sorcerers lead mindless Rubricae to secure key sites of magic, drawing from these nodes to unleash destructive spells, summon reinforcements, and fortify their forces. This saturation of arcane energy bolsters psychic attacks across your army.

Thousand Sons models re-roll wound rolls of 1 during psychic attacks, and in areas steeped in Warp energy, their attacks become even deadlier, gaining bonuses to wound rolls.

The Arcane Might Enhancement perfectly complements this detachment, boosting the Strength of psychic weapons used by the bearer’s unit. When fully immersed in the Flow of Magic, this enhancement becomes even more devastating, reflecting the unparalleled synergy between the Sorcerers and their empowered thralls.

Rubric Marines
Rubric Marines

Additionally, the Through the Veil Stratagem provides unmatched tactical flexibility, allowing Rubric Marines and Scarab Occult Terminators in Strategic Reserves to deploy via Deep Strike. The Terminators, guided by the energies of the Flow of Magic, can appear with precise proximity to the enemy, positioning your forces for decisive strikes.

Whether you’re drawn to the tactical depth or the arcane majesty of the Hexwarp Thrallband, this special Grotmas release expands the Thousand Sons’ arsenal, delivering chaos and destruction with festive flair.

Hexwarp Thrallband Detachment Rule:

Certain parts of the battlefield fall under your army’s Flow of Magic, determined as follows:

  • Your deployment zone is always considered within your Flow of Magic.
  • At the start of any phase, if you control at least half of the objective markers in No Man’s Land, No Man’s Land will also be within your Flow of Magic until the end of that phase.
  • Similarly, at the start of any phase, if you control at least half of the objective markers in your opponent’s deployment zone, that area is included in your Flow of Magic until the end of that phase.

When a THOUSAND SONS model from your army performs a Psychic Attack, you can re-roll Wound rolls of 1. If the attacking model is wholly within the Flow of Magic, it instead gains +1 to its Wound rolls for Psychic Attacks.

Stratagems available for the Hexwarp Thrallband Detachment:

  • Warding Hex (1CP)Epic Deed Stratagem: In your Command phase, select one Thousand Sons Psyker unit within range of an objective marker you control, provided that marker is wholly within your Flow of Magic. The marker remains under your control unless your opponent achieves a higher control level over it by the end of a phase.
  • Wrath of the Doomed (1CP)Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During the Fight phase, after an enemy unit targets one Thousand Sons unit, roll a D6 for each model destroyed in your unit, adding 1 if the unit is wholly within your Flow of Magic. On a result of 4+, the destroyed model can fight before being removed from play.
  • Strands of Time (1CP)Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your Movement phase, immediately after a Thousand Sons Psyker unit Falls Back, it becomes eligible to shoot or charge during the same turn. If the unit is wholly within your Flow of Magic, it gains both abilities until the turn ends.
  • Through the Veil (1CP)Epic Deed Stratagem: At the start of the Reinforcements step in your Movement phase, select a Rubric Marines or Scarab Occult Terminators unit from Strategic Reserves. Rubric Marines gain the Deep Strike ability until the phase ends. Scarab Occult Terminators must deploy wholly within your Flow of Magic and more than 6″ away from enemy models but cannot declare a charge this turn.
  • Scouring Warpflame (1CP)Strategic Ploy Stratagem: In your Shooting phase, choose one Thousand Sons Psyker unit wholly within your Flow of Magic. Until the phase ends, ranged weapons equipped by that unit gain the Ignores Cover ability. After the unit shoots, select an enemy unit hit by their attacks; models in that enemy unit lose the Benefit of Cover until the end of the phase.
  • Kaleidoscopic Tempest (1CP)Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase, after a Thousand Sons Psyker unit is targeted, that unit gains the Stealth ability until the end of the phase. If it is wholly within your Flow of Magic, it also benefits from Cover against all attacks during this phase.

Hexwarp Thrallband Enhancements: 

  • Arcane Might (+20 points): Thousand Sons model only. Add 1 to the Strength characteristic of Psychic weapons equipped by models in the bearer’s unit. If the bearer’s unit is wholly within your army’s Flow of Magic, the bonus increases to +2.
  • Empowered Manifestation (+20 points): Thousand Sons model only. While the bearer’s unit is wholly within your army’s Flow of Magic, Psychic abilities with a specified range (including Rituals) gain +6″ to their range. Additionally, when a model in the bearer’s unit takes a Hazardous test for a Psychic weapon, you may re-roll the result.
  • Empyric Onslaught (+25 points): Thousand Sons model only. If the bearer’s unit is wholly within your Flow of Magic, add 3 to the Attacks characteristic of ranged Psychic weapons equipped by the bearer.
  • Noctilith Mantle (+15 points): Thousand Sons model only. While the bearer’s unit is on the battlefield, it is always considered wholly within your army’s Flow of Magic. However, models in that unit cannot perform any Rituals.

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