Delve into the intricacies of the T’au Empire Detachments with this exhaustive analysis, crafted to arm you with the knowledge to master the latest evolution of this beloved tabletop wargame.
Every Detachment emerges with its distinctive suite of Rules, Stratagems, and Enhancements, crafted to complement your strategic inclinations and battle plans, whether you yearn for the stealth of the Kroot or the advanced warfare of the Battlesuits.
Keep the 10th Edition T’au Empire Codex at your fingertips — it’s an indispensable compendium to unleash the strategic might of your forces.

Embark on a journey with us as we meticulously unravel each Detachment, revealing the vast array of tactical and strategic choices at your command.
Prepare to deploy your units with precision and lead your T’au Empire to glorious victory on the galactic battlefields!
The list of Tau Empire Detachments in the 10th Edition:
No. | Detachment Name | Summary |
1. | Kauyon | Designed for T’au Empire commanders who excel in the art of ambush and tactical positioning. With abilities that become increasingly effective over the course of the battle, it embodies the Tau tenet of Kauyon — luring the enemy into a trap before striking with deadly precision. |
2. | Mont’ka | Empowers players to seize the initiative, hit hard and fast with superior firepower, and then reposition to maintain the advantage. It suits a proactive approach that seeks to dictate the flow of battle and capitalize on the T’au’s strengths in ranged combat. |
3. | Retaliation Cadre | Focused on Battlesuit units, granting them a blend of aggressive and flexible stratagems and enhancements that can adapt to various battlefield scenarios, making them a dynamic and potentially devastating force. |
4. | Kroot Hunting Pack | Tailored for a commander who appreciates a combination of stealth, mobility, and the opportunistic exploitation of enemy weaknesses. It emphasizes the thematic strengths of the Kroot as cunning hunters and survivalists, making them a versatile force capable of adapting to a wide array of combat scenarios. |
5. | 🎄Auxiliary Cadre | A versatile detachment that integrates Kroot and Vespid units alongside T’au specialists, excelling in support roles, ambushes, and dense terrain. With powerful stratagems and enhancements, it boosts mobility, firepower, and survivability, making it an adaptable force for any tactical situation. |
6. | Experimental Prototype Cadre | Focused on enhancing ranged combat through superior weaponry and adaptability. Its abilities emphasize boosting weapon range, improving shooting efficiency, and providing versatile offensive and defensive tools to dominate firefights from a distance. |
The Kauyon Detachment for the T’au Empire reflects a strategic approach emphasizing patience and precision, suitable for players who prefer to set traps and ambush their opponents.
The ‘Patient Hunter’ detachment rule encapsulates this ethos, rewarding players who position and time their strikes carefully, with enhanced hitting and wounding capabilities beginning from the third battle round.
The detachment offers an array of stratagems that synergize with this patient and strategic playstyle. ‘A Tempting Trap’ provides a bonus to wound rolls near a chosen objective, incentivizing careful positioning.
‘Point-blank Ambush’ rewards close-range engagements with improved armour penetration, while ‘Coordinate to Engage’ enhances the accuracy and effectiveness of Observer units against designated targets.

‘Combat Embarkation’ and ‘Photon Grenades’ offer tactical options to mitigate enemy charges, and ‘Wall of Mirrors’ provides a strategic retreat to preserve key units.
Kauyon enhancements boost this tactical framework. ‘Exemplar of the Kauyon’ allows units to benefit from the ‘Patient Hunter’ rule a round earlier, ‘Precision of the Patient Hunter’ grants cumulative bonuses to hit and wound as the battle progresses, ‘Solid-image Projection Unit’ offers unparalleled redeployment flexibility, and ‘Through Unity, Devastation’ leverages Observer units to deliver potentially game-changing lethal hits.
Kauyon Detachment Rule: Patient Hunter
Starting with the third battle round, T’au Empire models from your army equipped with ranged weapons gain the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability, or the [SUSTAINED FIRE 2] ability when targeting their unit’s Spotted unit.
Stratagems available for the Kauyon Detachment:
- A Tempting Trap (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your Shooting phase, select one T’AU EMPIRE unit from your army that hasn’t shot yet this phase. The first time you use this Stratagem, also choose one objective marker outside your opponent’s deployment zone to be your Trap objective marker for the remainder of the battle. Until the end of the phase, any model in your selected unit gets a +1 bonus to the Wound roll when making a ranged attack against any enemy unit near your Trap objective marker. Note that this Stratagem cannot be used during the first or second battle rounds.
- Point-blank Ambush (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your Shooting phase, choose a T’AU EMPIRE unit from your army that has not yet shot in this phase. For the duration of the phase, whenever a model from this unit makes a ranged attack targeting an enemy unit within 9 inches, the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack is increased by 1. This Stratagem cannot be used during the first or second battle rounds.
- Coordinate to Engage (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your Shooting phase, select one T’AU EMPIRE unit from your army that has just been designated as an Observer unit (as outlined in “For the Greater Good”). For the rest of the phase, whenever a model from this unit attacks their Spotted unit, the Ballistic Skill characteristic of that attack improves by 1. Additionally, if your unit is marked with the MARKERLIGHT keyword, that attack gains the (IGNORES COVER) ability.
- Combat Embarkation (1CP) – Wargear Stratagem: During your opponent’s Charge phase, right after an enemy unit declares a charge, target one T’AU EMPIRE INFANTRY unit from your army that was chosen as a charge target and one friendly TRANSPORT. The targeted INFANTRY unit can then embark into the TRANSPORT. However, every model in the INFANTRY unit must be within 3 inches of the TRANSPORT, and there must be enough space in the TRANSPORT to accommodate the entire unit.
- Photon Grenades (1CP) – Wargear Stratagem: During your opponent’s Charge phase, immediately after an enemy unit has declared a charge, you can target one T’AU EMPIRE GRENADES unit from your army that was chosen as one of the charge targets. The enemy unit must then take a Battle-shock test right away. Additionally, until the end of the phase, subtract 2 from any Charge rolls made by that enemy unit. This action cannot be taken if your targeted unit is within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units.
- Wall of Mirrors (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: At the end of your opponent’s Fight phase, you can select one STEALTH, GHOSTKEEL, or COMMANDER SHADOWSUN unit from your army. Remove this unit from the battlefield and place it into Strategic Reserves. This action cannot be taken if the unit you wish to target is within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units.
Kauyon Enhancements:
- Exemplar of the Kauyon (+20 points): For T’AU EMPIRE models (except KROOT SHAPER models). When the bearer leads a unit, the Patient Hunter Detachment rule starts in the second battle round, not the third.
- Precision of the Patient Hunter (+15 points): For T’AU EMPIRE models only. When the bearer makes a ranged attack, add 1 to the Hit roll. Starting from the third battle round, add 1 to the Wound roll as well.
- Solid-image Projection Unit (+30 points): For T’AU EMPIRE models only. After deploying the armies, choose up to three T’AU EMPIRE units from your army to redeploy. You can place these units in Strategic Reserves if desired, even if there are already many units in reserves.
- Through Unity, Devastation (+25 points): For T’AU EMPIRE models (except KROOT SHAPER models). When the bearer leads a unit, and the unit is an Observer unit, until the end of the phase, ranged weapons held by models in their Guided unit gain the [LETHAL HITS] ability when targeting their Spotted unit.
The Mont’ka Detachment is the embodiment of the T’au Empire’s doctrine of the rapid and decisive strike. This detachment is designed for players who favor an aggressive and dynamic playstyle, focusing on delivering powerful ranged attacks early in the battle.
The ‘Killing Blow’ detachment rule grants the [LETHAL HIT] ability to ranged weapons in the first three battle rounds, emphasizing the Mont’ka’s philosophy of delivering a swift and deadly attack to overwhelm the enemy. The addition of the [ASSAULT] ability to units designated as Guided enhances the mobility and flexibility of T’au firepower.
Stratagems associated with the Mont’ka Detachment further bolster this hit-and-run tactic. ‘Pinpoint Counter-offensive’ allows for vengeance-fueled re-rolls on hit rolls against the unit that destroyed a T’au unit, adding a retaliatory edge to engagements. ‘Aggressive Mobility’ ensures maximum movement during the Advance, facilitating rapid redeployment.

‘Focused Fire’ improves the armour penetration against a designated enemy unit, consolidating firepower for maximum impact. ‘Combat Debarkation’ and ‘Pulse Onslaught’ leverage the shock of Tau infantry actions, while ‘Counterfire Defence Systems’ provide a measure of damage mitigation during enemy shooting phases.
Mont’ka enhancements are tailored to maximize the doctrine’s impact in the early to mid-game. ‘Exemplar of the Mont’ka’ extends the Killing Blow rule’s effectiveness to the fourth battle round, ‘Strike Swiftly’ provides an initial positioning advantage, ‘Strategic Conqueror’ strengthens objective control, and ‘Coordinated Exploitation’ increases the lethality of Observer units’ guided allies.
Mont’ka Detachment Rule: Killing Blow
In the first three battle rounds, ranged weapons wielded by T’AU EMPIRE models from your army possess the [LETHAL HIT] ability. Additionally, when a unit is designated as a Guided unit (refer to For the Greater Good), its ranged weapons also gain the [ASSAULT] ability.
Stratagems available for the Mont’ka Detachment:
- Pinpoint Counter-offensive (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During any phase, you can use this Stratagem on a TAU EMPIRE unit (excluding KROOT units) from your army immediately after it has been destroyed. For the rest of the battle, whenever a T’AU EMPIRE unit (excluding KROOT units) from your army attacks the enemy unit responsible for destroying your unit, you are allowed to re-roll the Hit roll.
- Aggressive Mobility (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your Movement phase, target one T’AU EMPIRE unit from your army that has not yet moved. If this unit chooses to Advance during the phase, skip the Advance roll. Instead, simply add 6 inches to the Move characteristic of the models in your unit for the duration of the phase.
- Focused Fire (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: At the start of your Shooting phase, select two T’AU EMPIRE units from your army that have not yet been chosen to shoot, and one enemy unit. Throughout the phase, models in your selected units can only attack the chosen enemy unit, provided it is a valid target for those attacks. Additionally, the Armour Penetration characteristic of these attacks is improved by 1. This Stratagem cannot be used during the fourth or fifth battle rounds.
- Combat Debarkation (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your Shooting phase, target one T’AU EMPIRE INFANTRY unit from your army that disembarked from a TRANSPORT this turn. For the remainder of the phase, each time a model in this unit makes an attack targeting the closest enemy unit, you are allowed to re-roll the Wound roll.
- Pulse Onslaught (2CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your Shooting phase, select one T’AU EMPIRE INFANTRY unit (excluding KROOT units) from your army that has just shot, along with one enemy unit (excluding MONSTERS and VEHICLES) that was hit by one or more attacks from your unit. Until the end of your opponent’s next turn, the targeted enemy unit is considered shaken. While shaken, the enemy unit’s Move characteristic is reduced by 2, and it must subtract 2 from any Advance and Charge rolls.
- Counterfire Defence Systems (2CP) – Wargear Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase, immediately after an enemy unit has chosen its targets, select one T’AU EMPIRE unit from your army that has been targeted by one or more of the enemy’s attacks. For the remainder of the phase, whenever an attack is allocated to your selected unit, reduce the Damage characteristic of that attack by 1.
Mont’ka Enhancements:
- Exemplar of the Mont’ka (+10 points): For T’AU EMPIRE models only (excluding KROOT SHAPER models). When the bearer is leading a unit, the Killing Blow Detachment rule also becomes effective for that unit during the fourth battle round.
- Strike Swiftly (+25 points): For T’AU EMPIRE models only. At the beginning of the battle, before any movements are made with the Scouts ability, you can choose up to two friendly TAU EMPIRE units within 6 inches of the bearer that do not possess the Scouts ability. For the duration of the battle, all models in these selected units gain the Scouts 6″ ability.
- Strategic Conqueror (+15 points): For T’AU EMPIRE models only. At the start of the first battle round, before the first turn begins, select one objective marker on the battlefield. As long as a friendly T’AU EMPIRE model is within range of that objective marker and the bearer is on the battlefield, add 1 to that friendly model’s Objective Control characteristic.
- Coordinated Exploitation (+20 points): For T’AU EMPIRE models only (excluding KROOT SHAPER models). When the bearer is leading a unit, and that unit is designated as an Observer unit, until the end of the phase, ranged weapons used by models in their Guided unit gain the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability when targeting their Spotted unit.
Retaliation Cadre
The Retaliation Cadre Detachment for the T’au Empire in the Warhammer 40K game is a specialized formation geared towards enhancing the offensive capabilities of Battlesuit units.
Central to this detachment is the ‘Bonded Heroes’ rule, which bolsters the strength and armor penetration of Battlesuit models’ ranged attacks, depending on their proximity to the target. This encourages players to position their Battlesuits aggressively to maximize their offensive output.
Several stratagems unique to the Retaliation Cadre Detachment offer tactical versatility. ‘Fail-safe Detonator’ allows a player to ensure a model’s destructive final act upon destruction, ‘Stimm Injectors’ provide a damage mitigation chance, and ‘The Shortened Blade’ grants deep strike flexibility.

‘The Arro’kon Protocol’ increases the effectiveness against large enemy units, while ‘The Torchstar Gambit’ adds mobility after shooting. Defensive strategies are enhanced with ‘Grav-inhibitor Field,’ potentially disrupting enemy charges.
Enhancements such as the ‘Puretide Engram Neurochip’ allow for stratagem reuse on a unit, ‘Starflare Ignition System’ offers strategic redeployment, ‘Internal Grenade Racks’ give a direct damage option after movement, and ‘Prototype Weapon System’ adds versatility to the unit’s shooting phase.
Retaliation Cadre Detachment Rule: Bonded Heroes
Whenever a TAU EMPIRE BATTLESUIT model from your army conducts a ranged attack against a unit within 12 inches, increase the Strength characteristic of the attack by 1. Additionally, if the target is within 6 inches, enhance the Armour Penetration characteristic of the attack by 1 as well.
Stratagems available for the Retaliation Cadre Detachment:
- Fail-safe Detonator (2CP)– Epic Deed Stratagem: During any phase, right after a T’AU EMPIRE BATTLESUIT model from your army is destroyed, you can use this Stratagem on the unit of the destroyed model, even if the entire unit was just destroyed. Before removing the model from play, if it has the Deadly Demise ability, you do not need to roll for it; instead, you can decide whether the outcome of that roll is a 1 or a 6. If the model does not have the Deadly Demise ability, roll one D6 for each unit within 6 inches of it. For each roll of 4 or higher, the unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- Stimm Injectors (1CP) – Wargear Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase or Fight phase, right after an enemy unit has chosen its targets, select a T’AU EMPIRE BATTLESUIT unit from your army that has been targeted by one or more of the attacking unit’s attacks. Until the end of the phase, models in your unit gain the Feel No Pain 6+ ability.
- The Shortened Blade (2CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your Movement phase, target one T’AU EMPIRE BATTLESUIT unit from your army that is deploying via the Deep Strike ability this phase. You can set up your unit anywhere on the battlefield, provided it is more than 3 inches away from all enemy models horizontally. However, a unit targeted with this Stratagem cannot declare a charge in the same turn.
- The Arro’kon Protocol (1CP)– Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your Shooting phase, select one T’AU EMPIRE BATTLESUIT unit from your army that has not yet been chosen to shoot. Until the end of the phase, when a model in your unit attacks an enemy unit consisting of 5 or more models, that attack gains the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability. If the attack targets an enemy unit with 10 or more models, it gains the [SUSTAINED HITS 2] ability instead.
- The Torchstar Gambit (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your Shooting phase, target one TAU EMPIRE BATTLESUIT unit from your army that can FLY and has already resolved its attacks for the phase. If your unit is not within Engagement Range of any enemy units, it may make a Normal move. However, if your unit makes this move, it cannot declare a charge later in the same turn.
- Grav-inhibitor Field (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your opponent’s Charge phase, right after an enemy unit has declared a charge, select one T’AU EMPIRE BATTLESUIT unit from your army that was targeted by that charge. The charging enemy unit must immediately take a Battle-shock test. Additionally, roll one D6 for each model in the enemy unit; for each result of 5 or higher, the enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
Retaliation Cadre Enhancements:
- Puretide Engram Neurochip (+25 points): For TAU EMPIRE BATTLESUIT models only. Once per turn, you can select the bearer’s unit as the target for a Stratagem, even if another unit has already been targeted by that same Stratagem during the phase.
- Starflare Ignition System (+20 points): For TAU EMPIRE BATTLESUIT models only. At the end of your opponent’s turn, if the bearer’s unit is not within Engagement Range of any enemy units, you have the option to remove that unit from the battlefield and place it into Strategic Reserves.
- Internal Grenade Racks (+30 points): For TAU EMPIRE BATTLESUIT models only. The bearer gains the GRENADES keyword. Additionally, each time the bearer completes a Normal move, you can choose one enemy unit that the bearer moved over during that move. If chosen, roll six D6; for each result of 4 or higher, the enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
- Prototype Weapon System (+15 points): For TAU EMPIRE BATTLESUIT models only. Each time the bearer is chosen to shoot, select either the [LETHAL HITS] or [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability. The ranged weapons equipped by the bearer will then possess the chosen ability until those attacks are resolved.
Kroot Hunting Pack
The Kroot Hunting Pack Detachment taps into the predatory nature of the Kroot within the T’au Empire’s armies, emphasizing their role as natural hunters and guerilla fighters.
The ‘Hunter’s Instincts’ rule provides the detachment with an edge when targeting weakened enemy units, improving their Hit and Wound rolls.
The ‘Skirmish Fighters’ rule reflects the Kroot’s adaptability, granting them invulnerable saves that increase their resilience in both melee and ranged combat situations. Gaining the BATTLELINE keyword for KROOT CARNIVORE units solidifies their foundational role within this detachment.
The stratagems offered to the Kroot Hunting Pack Detachment underscore the guerilla warfare and adaptive hunting tactics inherent to the Kroot. ‘Join The Hunt’ is particularly unique, allowing players to replenish fallen units, underscoring the relentless nature of the Kroot. ‘A Trap Well Laid’ and ‘Guerrilla Warriors’ reward strategic engagements and hit-and-run tactics.

‘Emp Grenades’ provide a means to debilitate enemy vehicles, increasing the Kroot’s effectiveness against mechanized threats. ‘The Grisly Feast’ is a psychological warfare tool, leveraging the fear struck into the enemy by the Kroot’s carnivorous nature. ‘Hidden Hunters’ represents the Kroot’s mastery of stealth, making them harder to target at range.
Enhancements for the Kroot Hunting Pack Detachment, such as the ‘Kroothawk Flock,’ ‘Nomadic Hunter,’ ‘Root-carved Weapons,’ and ‘Borthrod Gland,’ offer significant buffs to their combat abilities. These enhancements empower the Kroot with improved mobility, weapon abilities, and critical hit chances, allowing them to fulfill various battlefield roles effectively.
Kroot Hunting Pack Detachment Rule:
Hunter’s Instincts
Whenever a KROOT model from your army attacks, add 1 to the Hit roll if the target unit has fewer models than its initial strength. Additionally, if the target unit is at less than half its original strength, add 1 to the Wound roll as well.
Skirmish Fighters
Kroot models in your army receive a 6+ invulnerable save when facing melee attacks and a 5+ invulnerable save against ranged attacks.
When you choose this detachment, KROOT CARNIVORE units in your army gain the BATTLELINE keyword.
Stratagems available for the Kroot Hunting Pack Detachment:
- Join The Hunt (2CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During any phase, you can use this Stratagem on a KROOT INFANTRY or KROOT HOUNDS unit from your army that was just destroyed, allowing you to use the Stratagem even though the unit has been destroyed. The effect of this Stratagem is to add a new unit to your army that is identical to the destroyed unit, placing it in Strategic Reserves at its Starting Strength. However, this Stratagem cannot be used to return destroyed CHARACTER units to Attached units.
- A Trap Well Laid (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your Shooting phase or Fight phase, target one KROOT unit from your army that has not yet been selected to shoot or fight. After your unit has resolved its attacks this phase, choose one enemy unit that was hit by one or more of these attacks. For the remainder of the phase, every time a KROOT model from your army attacks the selected enemy unit, provided the attacking unit is not Battle-shocked, increase the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1.
- Emp Grenades (1CP) – Wargear Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase or Fight phase, immediately after an enemy VEHICLE unit is chosen to shoot or fight, select one KROOT GRENADES unit from your army that is within 8 inches of that enemy VEHICLE unit. Until the end of the phase, reduce the Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill characteristics of that enemy VEHICLE unit’s weapons by 1.
- The Grisly Feast (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During the Fight phase, target a KROOT unit from your army that has destroyed one or more enemy units. In your opponent’s next Command phase, each enemy unit within 6 inches of your unit must take a Battle-shock test. If any of these units are below half their starting strength, subtract 1 from their Battle-shock test result. Enemy units affected by this Stratagem are exempt from taking any additional Battle-shock tests in the same phase.
- Guerrilla Warriors (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your Movement phase, right after a Kroot unit from your army Falls Back, select that Kroot unit. For the rest of the turn, this unit will be eligible to shoot and declare a charge.
- Hidden Hunters (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase, immediately after an enemy unit has chosen its targets, select a Kroot unit from your army that has been targeted by one or more of the attacking unit’s attacks. For the remainder of the phase, this Kroot unit can only be targeted by a ranged attack if the attacking model is within 12 inches.
Kroot Hunting Pack Enhancements:
- Kroothawk Flock (+10 points): For KROOT models only. Ranged weapons used by models in the bearer’s unit are granted the [IGNORES COVER] ability. Additionally, enemy units entering the battlefield as Reinforcements cannot be set up within 12 inches horizontally from the bearer.
- Nomadic Hunter (+20 points): For KROOT TRAIL SHAPER models only. When the bearer is leading a unit, add 3 inches to the Move characteristic of models in that unit. Additionally, ranged weapons equipped by models in the unit gain the [ASSAULT] ability.
- Root-carved Weapons (+10 points): For KROOT WAR SHAPER models only. All weapons carried by the bearer possess the [PRECISION] and [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] abilities.
- Borthrod Gland (+15 points): For KROOT FLESH SHAPER models only. When the bearer leads a unit, each time a model in that unit makes a melee attack, an unmodified Hit roll of 5 or higher scores a Critical Hit.
🎄Auxiliary Cadre
The Auxiliary Cadre Christmas Detachment embodies the T’au Empire’s philosophy of unity, integrating Kroot and Vespid units alongside T’au specialists to form a highly versatile and adaptive fighting force. This detachment excels at plugging gaps in Fire Caste lines, setting ambushes in dense terrain, and minimizing T’au casualties while providing crucial support to the greater war effort.
The detachment’s Targeting Triangulation ability boosts the effectiveness of T’AU ranged attacks, improving Armour Penetration when Kroot or Vespid units are nearby. The Localised Stealth Projectors ability offers vital protection for these auxiliary units, making them harder to target at range, thus allowing them to carry out their missions with greater survivability.

Several powerful stratagems support the detachment’s operational flexibility. Experimental Modifications enhances the Armour Penetration of Kroot or Vespid weaponry, while Multisensory Scanning allows T’AU units to re-roll Wound rolls. Interlocking Manoeuvres provides vital mobility, allowing units to reposition or fall back as needed, and Pheromone Waypoints increases the speed of Kroot and Vespid units, enabling them to advance without the need for dice rolls. Alien Expertise lets these units shoot and charge after advancing, further increasing their battlefield effectiveness. Guided Fire strengthens T’au ranged attacks when working alongside auxiliaries.
The detachment also benefits from several useful enhancements. Student of Kauyon grants Kroot the Deep Strike ability, allowing for more flexible deployment. Admired Leader improves the leadership and objective control of Kroot and Vespid units, keeping them in the fight longer. Fanatical Convert provides the For the Greater Good ability to Kroot units, further enhancing their cohesion with the T’au Empire. The Transponder Lock Module allows T’AU walkers with Deep Strike to deploy alongside Kroot and Vespid units, adding additional tactical depth.
In essence, the Auxiliary Cadre Christmas Detachment brings a high level of mobility, strategic depth, and tactical flexibility to the T’au Empire, with Kroot and Vespid units playing pivotal roles in shaping the battlefield while minimizing risk to T’au lives. This detachment ensures the T’au can execute their strategy of unity and precision in every engagement.
Auxiliary Cadre Rule Detachment Rule: Integrated Command Structure
- Kroot and Vespid Stingwings Units in your army possess the following ability:
Targeting Triangulation (Aura):
While an enemy unit is within 9″ of and visible to this unit, each time a ranged attack is made by a friendly T’AU EMPIRE model (excluding Kroot, Vespid Stingwings, and Titanic models) targeting that enemy unit, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1. - T’AU EMPIRE Units (excluding Kroot and Vespid Stingwings units) in your army possess the following ability:
Localised Stealth Projectors (Aura):
While a friendly Kroot or Vespid Stingwings unit is wholly within 6″ of and visible to this unit, that Kroot or Vespid Stingwings unit can only be targeted by a ranged attack if the attacking model is within 18″.
Stratagems available for the Auxiliary Cadre Detachment:
- Experimental Modifications (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your Shooting phase or the Fight phase, you can use this Stratagem on one KROOT or VESPID STINGWINGS unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot or fight this phase. The effect of this Stratagem is to improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of weapons equipped by models in your unit by 1 until the end of the phase.
- Multisensory Scanning (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your Shooting phase or the Fight phase, you can use this Stratagem on one T’AU EMPIRE unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot or fight this phase. The effect of this Stratagem is to allow each time a model in your unit makes an attack, re-roll a Wound roll of 1 until the end of the phase. If it is a KROOT or VESPID STINGWINGS unit, you can re-roll the Wound roll instead.
- Interlocking Manoeuvres (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: At the end of the Fight phase, you can use this Stratagem on one T’AU EMPIRE unit from your army that was eligible to fight this phase. The effect of this Stratagem is to allow your unit to make a Normal move of up to 6″ if it is not within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units. Otherwise, your unit can make a Fall Back move. It cannot embark within a TRANSPORT at the end of this move if it disembarked from a TRANSPORT this turn.
- Pheromone Waypoints (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your Movement phase, you can use this Stratagem on one KROOT or VESPID STINGWINGS unit from your army that has not been selected to move this phase. The effect of this Stratagem is to allow your unit to add 6″ to the Move characteristic of models in your unit until the end of the phase each time it Advances, without making an Advance roll.
- Alien Expertise (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your Movement phase, you can use this Stratagem on one T’AU EMPIRE unit from your army. The effect of this Stratagem is to allow your unit to be eligible to shoot in a turn in which it Advanced until the end of the turn. If it is a KROOT or VESPID STINGWINGS unit, it is also eligible to declare a charge in a turn in which it Advanced until the end of the turn.
- Guided Fire (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your Shooting phase, you can use this Stratagem on one T’AU EMPIRE unit from your army (excluding KROOT and VESPID STINGWINGS units) that has not been selected to shoot this phase. The effect of this Stratagem is to add 1 to the Strength characteristic of ranged weapons equipped by models in your unit until the end of the phase. If your unit is wholly within 9″ of one or more KROOT or VESPID STINGWINGS units from your army, add 2 to the Strength characteristic of ranged weapons equipped by models in your unit instead.
Auxiliary Cadre Enhancements:
- Student of Kauyon (+15 points): KROOT SHAPER model only. In the Declare Battle Formations step, you can select up to three KROOT CARNIVORES or KROOT FARSTALKERS units from your army. The effect of this enhancement is to grant models in those units the Deep Strike ability.
- Admired Leader (+20 points): T’AU EMPIRE model (excluding KROOT models) only. In your Command phase, you can select one KROOT or VESPID STINGWINGS unit within 12″ of the bearer. The effect of this enhancement is to improve the Leadership characteristic of models in that unit by 1 and, while such a unit is not Battle-shocked, add 1 to the Objective Control characteristic of models in that unit until the start of your next Command phase.
- Fanatical Convert (+10 points): KROOT model only. Grants the bearer’s unit the For the Greater Good ability.
- Transponder Lock Module (+25 points): T’AU EMPIRE WALKER model with the Deep Strike ability only. The effect of this enhancement is to allow the bearer’s unit to be set up using the Deep Strike ability in the Reinforcements step of your first, second, or third Movement phase, regardless of any mission rules. During your first Movement phase, when you set up the bearer’s unit, it must be set up within 12″ of one or more friendly KROOT or VESPID STINGWINGS units and not within 9″ horizontally of one or more enemy units.
Prototype Cadre
The Experimental Prototype Cadre Detachment for the T’au Empire is a cutting-edge formation focused on enhancing ranged combat capabilities through superior technology and battlefield adaptability.
The core rule, Superior Craftsmanship, extends the range of all ranged weapons by 6 inches, allowing units to engage the enemy from safer distances and making high-precision weaponry even deadlier.

Key stratagems like Experimental Ammunition and Threat Assessment Analyser offer offensive customization, allowing players to enhance their shooting strength, armor penetration, and even gain abilities like [LETHAL HITS] or [SUSTAINED HITS 1] when needed. Meanwhile, Reactive Impact Dampeners and Neuroweb System Jammer provide defensive options that reduce incoming damage or disrupt enemy targeting.
Enhancements such as the Supernova Launcher and Plasma Accelerator Rifle significantly boost the lethality of specialized weapons, making them ideal choices for commanders looking to field devastating Crisis teams or heavily armed Battlesuits.
Overall, the Experimental Prototype Cadre Detachment excels at unleashing devastating volleys of firepower with enhanced precision and efficiency, while also offering versatile tools to adapt to various combat scenarios.
Prototype Cadre Detachment Rule: Superior Craftsmanship
Increase the Range characteristic of all ranged weapons equipped by T’AU EMPIRE models in your army by 6 inches.
Stratagems available for the Experimental
Prototype Cadre Detachment:
- Automated Repair Drones (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your Command phase, select a T’AU EMPIRE Battlesuit model from your army to regain up to D3+1 lost wounds.
- Reactive Impact Dampeners (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting or Fight phase, after an enemy unit selects its targets, choose a T’AU EMPIRE Battlesuit unit that was targeted. Until the end of the phase, subtract 1 from the Wound roll if the attack’s Strength characteristic is higher than your unit’s Toughness.
- Experimental Weaponry (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your Shooting phase, select a T’AU EMPIRE unit that has not yet shot. Until the end of the phase, you can re-roll dice when determining the number of attacks made by weapons equipped by models in that unit.
- Experimental Ammunition (1CP) – Wargear Stratagem: During your Shooting phase, select a T’AU EMPIRE unit that has not yet shot. Choose to either improve the Strength of ranged weapons by 1, or increase both Strength and Armour Penetration by 1 and gain the [HAZARDOUS] ability. Cannot be used with Threat Assessment Analyser on the same unit in the same phase.
- Threat Assessment Analyser (1CP) – Wargear Stratagem: During your Shooting phase, select a T’AU EMPIRE unit that has not yet shot. Apply either the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] or [LETHAL HITS] ability to their ranged weapons until the end of the phase. Alternatively, apply [SUSTAINED HITS 1], [LETHAL HITS], and [HAZARDOUS] abilities. Cannot be used with Experimental Ammunition on the same unit in the same phase.
- Neuroweb System Jammer (1CP) – Wargear Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase, after an enemy unit selects its targets, choose a T’AU EMPIRE Crisis unit targeted by one or more attacks. Until the end of the phase, that unit can only be targeted by ranged attacks if the attacking model is within 18 inches.
Prototype Cadre Enhancements:
- Supernova Launcher (+15 points): T’AU EMPIRE model only. Enhance one airbursting fragmentation projector equipped by the bearer. Increase its Strength by 3, Armour Penetration by 1, and Damage by 1.
- Thermoneutronic Projector (+20 points): T’AU EMPIRE model only. Upgrade one T’au flamer equipped by the bearer. Increase its Strength by 2, Armour Penetration by 1, and Damage by 1.
- Plasma Accelerator Rifle (+10 points): T’AU EMPIRE model only. Modify one plasma rifle equipped by the bearer. Increase its Strength by 2, and enhance its Attacks, Armour Penetration, and Damage characteristics by 1.
- Fusion Blades (+25 points): T’AU EMPIRE model only. Upgrade one fusion blaster equipped by the bearer. Increase its Strength by 3, Attacks by 1, and grant it the [MELTA 4] ability.