Among the most iconic units of the Death Korps of Krieg, the Death Riders epitomize their homeworld’s relentless dedication to the Emperor. These fearless cavalry soldiers, mounted on genetically engineered steeds, charge headlong into battle without hesitation, their lances and sabres cutting through enemy ranks with brutal precision.
For the Death Riders, death is not a deterrent but an aspiration—each charge is made with the understanding that their lives are a worthy price for the Emperor’s glory. Their role in the Astra Militarum is both symbolic and strategic, breaking enemy formations and sowing terror before the rest of the Korps moves in to finish the job.
This multipart plastic kit builds a squad of Death Riders for games of Warhammer 40,000. Each model features incredible detail, from the armored barding of the steeds to the dynamic poses of the riders wielding their lances and sabres.
Whether charging across the battlefield or holding key objectives, the Death Riders bring speed, shock, and the indomitable spirit of Krieg to your army. This kit will be first available in the Death Korps of Krieg Army Set, with a future standalone release.