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Citadel Colour


Citadel Colour’s Dawnstone is a versatile grey color that can be used for everything from highlighting to basecoating. Its smooth consistency and superb coverage make it a favorite of both hobbyists and players. Dawnstone is a trustworthy option for achieving a clean, professional finish when painting a miniature or a terrain piece.
List Price: $4.55
Dawnstone Layer Paint Citadel Colour


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Dawnstone Paint Review

The Dawnstone paint from Citadel Colour is a high-quality acrylic paint that is specially formulated for use on miniature figurines. Its pigments provide excellent coverage and a smooth, matt finish, making it the perfect foundation color for layering and blending with other colors. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned miniature painter, this paint will be a valuable addition to your palette and help you achieve stunning results on your miniatures. It’s a muted grey-white color that can be used as a base coat for a variety of army factions, terrain elements and for creating a sense of depth and contrast on the miniatures. It is a versatile paint that can be used as a base coat for a variety of different projects and styles.

What armies to paint with Dawnstone

In the Warhammer 40K universe, a number of armies can be painted using the adaptable Dawnstone paint. The following three armies would profit most from the use of this paint:

  • Imperial Guard: The Imperial Guard are the primary human ground troops of the Imperium, their color scheme is primarily grey. Dawnstone paint is perfect for painting the main body of the Imperial Guard’s armor, giving them a muted and weathered look.
  • Adeptus Mechanicus: The Adeptus Mechanicus are a faction of the Imperium that worship the Machine God. Their color scheme is primarily red and grey. Dawnstone paint is perfect for painting the details and weathering on the Adeptus Mechanicus’ armor and vehicles, giving them a muted and weathered look.
  • Necrons: The Necrons are an ancient robotic race that feature a lot of metallic and pale color scheme. Dawnstone paint is perfect for painting the details and weathering on the Necrons’ armor, giving them a muted and weathered look.

The fact that these armies are from the Warhammer 40K universe and feature a lot of pale and gray in their color schemes led me to this conclusion. In order to give these armies a muted and aged appearance, dawnstone paint makes a great base coat for layering, highlighting, and shadowing. This paint is ideal for Imperial Guard, Adeptus Mechanicus, and Necron armies since it can be utilized to highlight the intricacies of the figures and make them stand out.

Dawnstone Colour Schemes & Combinations

When working with Dawnstone paint, there are a variety of teal, silver, and black Citadel Colour paints that can be used to create interesting and dynamic color combinations. Here are a few options that can be used together with Dawnstone:

  • Teclis Blue: This is a cool, muted teal that can be used to paint the details and accents on the miniatures painted with Dawnstone. It can also be used to create an analogous color scheme.
  • Leadbelcher: This is a cool, metallic silver that can be used to paint the details and accents on the miniatures painted with Dawnstone. It can also be used to create a split-complementary color scheme.
  • Abaddon Black: This is a rich, dark black that can be used to paint the details and accents on the miniatures painted with Dawnstone. It can also be used to create a complementary color scheme.

I chose this color scheme based on color theory concepts and took complementary, split-complementary, and similar color schemes into account. The chosen hues ought to work in harmony and balance with Dawnstone.

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