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Citadel Colour

Kabalite Green

The Kabalite Green paint from Citadel Colour is a highly pigmented acrylic paint with a matt finish that provides an excellent foundation for layering other colors, and the coverage is superb.
List Price: $4.55
Kabalite Green Layer Paint Citadel Colour


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Kabalite Green Paint Review

The Kabalite Green paint from Citadel Colour is a highly pigmented acrylic paint that is perfect for base coating miniatures. It has a matt finish that provides an excellent foundation for layering other colors, and the coverage is superb. The pigments used in this paint are vibrant and perfect for miniature painting, making it a great choice for beginners who are looking to expand their palette. It is a versatile paint that can be used to bring a touch of life to any miniature.

What Armies of the Imperium to paint with Kabalite Green

  • Dark Eldar: As Kabalite Green is the primary color used in the armor of Dark Eldar soldiers and machinery, it is a perfect paint to use when painting this army. The armor of the Dark Eldar is known for its distinctive green color, so using Kabalite Green as a base coat will give your miniatures an authentic look.
  • Imperial Guard: Kabalite Green is also a great paint to use when painting Imperial Guard armies. The Imperial Guard is known for its large numbers of infantry and tanks, and using Kabalite Green as a base coat will give a consistent look to all the infantry and tanks in your army.
  • Adeptus Mechanicus: The Adeptus Mechanicus is a faction in the Warhammer 40K universe that makes extensive use of machinery and guns, and Kabalite Green can be used as a base coat for the metallic parts of their soldiers and machinery. This paint will give a great foundation for the other colors and weathering effects you’ll use on your miniatures, giving them a more realistic look and feel.

The decision to list these specific armies was based on the fact that they have a prominent use of green in their aesthetic and Kabalite Green is the perfect paint to achieve that look. Additionally, Kabalite Green is a versatile paint that can be used as a base coat for a variety of colors, making it a good choice for painting multiple armies.

Kabalite Green Colour Schemes & Combinations

  • Brass Scorpion: Brass Scorpion is a metallic paint that can be used to highlight the edges and details of Kabalite Green armor. The brass color will complement the green and add a touch of realism to your miniatures.
  • Leviathan Purple: Leviathan Purple is a great paint to use for creating shadows and depth on Kabalite Green miniatures. The purple color is a split-complementary color to green, which will create a nice balance of colors and a dynamic look.
  • Abaddon Black: Abaddon Black is a great paint to use for shading and adding contrast to Kabalite Green miniatures. This paint can be used to create shadows and darker areas on the miniatures, which will give them a more three-dimensional look.

The decision to list these specific paints was based on the principles of colour theory and complementary colours, the brass and purple are a split-complementary color to the green which will create a nice balance of colors and a dynamic look. 

The black will provide a good contrast and balance to the overall color scheme, and can be used to create shadows and darker areas on the miniatures, which will give them a more three-dimensional look. Additionally, the metallic touch will add realism to the miniature.

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